Winter atractions Liptov win over public for triing get different adventures that atractives their stays in mountains. Near by of our accommodation offer we present atractions on this site. Winter atractions Liptov can have influance for holiday choice. That is why we bring you more aventure offeres.
DOG POOLING agency is 5 minutes far away from accommodation
Last couple of years dog pooling gets popularity among adults and children. It belongs to the most interesting winter atractions Liptov. Dog pooling are mostly used by bigger teams of Liptov wisitors and it is suitable atraction for jangs and olders. The speed and it`s adventure depends on nomber of dogs, track distance and snow conditions.
winter atractions Liptov with thermal springs :
AQUA PARK IN WINTER 10 minutes far away from accommodation
Tehre are 11 swimming pools for use. Relax bathes with middle mineral water. Aqua park water is exclusive and only one of it`s sort in Liptov region. It consists from old sea water and has good influence on mooving and breathing apparatus. There are 8 all year pools with thermal mineral water. Three of them has 26 - 38 °C temperature. Tehre are many atractions: massage seats, geysers, water flows, water beds, mashroom, water swing, massage flows, children skids...
SNOW MOBILES agency is 5 minutes far away from accommodation
Do you want to try real adventure? Do you want to prepare unfergotable action to your colegs? So it is here right for you snow mobile hire. You can utilize ones with 350 - 550 cm3 power. Theese machines has enought power to cross country in deep snow. Snow mobile is suitable for company games or teambuilding. Theese maschines can drive anyone and cross snow land. Motor noice, wind in hairs, beautifful nature and snow is everywhere. We can make curcuit where you can drive and change each other in group or just go to nature. Snow mobiles are made for this cind of adventure.
AIRBOARDING agency is 5 minutes far away from accommodation
Company Fun-Care AG Switzerland offeres products that mediates agency only few minutes away from our apartment accommodation. The AIRBOARD, new in our winter atractions Liptov taht can be played on any groomed ski hill. AIRBOARD is made from quality materials and elastic surfice. It is very light and big so the ride is safe. Driving is made by driver that moves his of her body weight. Driver can better fill snow surfice. Elastic airbord full of air absorbes small and big bumps and speed that it gets is real adventure.
SNOWTUBING agency is 5 minutes far away from accommodation
Snowtubing is funny action for all family of firms. It is not necessary to learn it or have instructor near by. It is enought to sit into it and let pooling upstairs on mountain by lift, then just skid down the ski hill on groomed trace. Agency can offer three snowtubes. This funny action is not so known but it can interest you and you would get filling good.
SNOWRAFTING agency is 5 minutes far away from accommodation
Snowrafting can be adrenaline joy for all courageous and it is suitable for teames to rest. Agency has three alternatives to offer:
the first one is pooling raft with snow mobile1
second one consists of pooling raft from power tower builed on the top of the hill and skiding raft hanged on bungy (elastic rope)
Thirth one consists of gate trace on ski run and raft drives among it. Driving is made by paddles.
BALLOON FLY agency is 5 minutes far away from accommodation
Agency offeres cabled balloon fly and view flies. Theese flies can be made in good wether conditions with no wind, snowing and rining. Cabled balloon fly represents fliing to height of 20 m. It is nessesary to have 50 x 50 m yard for cables.
BUGGY MONACO GRAND 5 minutes far away from accommodation
Opened daily from 12,oo to 18,oo hours.The hall is situated on side of town Liptovsky Mikulas near village Zavazna Poruba. Buggy driving takes enjoy mainly because the ones are close to F 1. Theese buggies are fast and safe. After unforgetable adventure you can have some drink in unnoise bar that offeres panoramatic view of track and time caunting. The drive lasts 7 minutes, the track is 335 m long and it`s width is % m. The track consists of diagonal curve, viaduct, tunnel and strong down hill. The trace is aquepped by wheeles and joint rail for high visitors safety. Each driver have to use safety helmet with bought hygienic hood. Maximum number of mooving buggies on trace is 8. Each engine ha power of 6,5 horses. Digital time counting. Hall is indoor and that is why the track can be used in winter too. It belonges among well known winter atractions Liptov.
Areal Bestplace for Race is 800 m long extern curcuit with hill, jumpes, water pass and four different surfices. Areal allowes it`s visitors to get adventure of off road rally.
Winter atractions Liptov : Demanovska cave of freedom, Demanovska ice cave, Vazecka cave. New build atractions offeres adventures which makes pleasent stay.